Yeah, it's a problem. Try this tea to ease your liver problems:
Make a tea with clove, cinnamon, and
Black-Walnut . Drink this for a month or longer. Be gentle. A 1/3 teaspoon ground of each is fine for the tea. Unground works too. As long as your tea has some color, your're cool. Brew it for flavor, the tea really doesn't need to be that strong. Drink it straight through the day. Keep drinking your dandelion tea, maybe even add milk thisle. After a couple weeks add some of the herb tansy to the mix. After a few weeks, you'll have a few days in which you'll feel extraordinarily good. These days will become more frequent as you go.
The consistancy of your energy level will improve, but you will have some down days and a stretch in there where you may feel tired or groggy. The
parasites will eventually let go. And with it they'll let go of their chemical appetites for what we as the host organism would call . . . a mood.
Combining this with an occasional hot sauna works wonders.
As I said, the results can can be extraordinary.