I am sorry to hear that you are not doing well. Before I can give you any recommendations let me ask you: what exactly in my suggested protocol are you NOT doing?
The protocol has oleander as a center piece but it is far from just an oleander protocol. I note that you are not able to get much sun - are you not supplementing with additional vitamin D3? I consider plenty of Vitamin D3 critical. Likewise plenty of iodine, inositol/IP6, Blood Support tonic, black seed oil (Nigella Sativa), highly bioavailable curcumin, grapeseed extract, pancreatic/digestive/proteolytic enzymes and colloidal silver.
Oleander and the entire suggested protocol are NOT overnight remedies for cancer. Most people take a couple of months minimum to see good results and often it takes longer depending upon the type of cancer, how widespread it is and the overall health of the individual. The way it works is to combine many elements, including diet, lifestyle, stress removal, cleansing and supplementation to address virtually every thing we know (or believe we know) about cancer in a way that provides a coordinated attack against the cancer itself as well as strenthens the body's immune system to also attack the cancer to beat cancer and prevent it from returning.
In most instances my suggested protocol is probably over-kill. But I have also seen instances where a person chose less than the full protocol, or else started pretty much the full protocol and then slacked off on some items, and cancer either maintained or regained the upper hand until virtually ALL of the items on the protocol were utilized.
There is a battle being waged in your body against cancer. At the outset, cancer had pretty much the complete upper hand and controlled most of the terrain. Initially as you begin to fight the cancer, clean out your toxins and strenthen your immune system you begin to retard cancer's advance. At some point you are able to halt the cancer's progression, but it may take some time. Then you gain the upper hand and the tumors begin to regress until they are either eliminated entirely or, in some instances, are stabilized as a benign masses. You did not develop cancer overnight and it is likely that you will not eliminate it entirely overnight either.
I actually see two good signs. One is that apparently your liver tumors have not grown. And the other is how well you feel. That tells me that the protocol is working with at least some good success and maybe you just need more time and adding some missing elements. Another thing to consider is that some cancers take literally years for the tumors to grow large enough to be detected. I think it is quite likely that the cancer that has appeared in the lungs was probably already there before you began the protocol but the tumors were not yet large enough to detect. Oleander, and the suggested protocol are extremely effective against liver and lung cancers.
A final question: How much oleander have you been taking? If you are taking Sutherlandia OPC, one capsule twice daily (or one 5 ml dose of liquid extract three times daily) is the MINIMUM therapeutic amount to take. With agressive and/or late stage cancers and/or instances where you do not see results as fast or as strong as you wish, that dose can be doubled and even tripled. If it were me, I would definitely triple it.
Since you were only taking the maximum therapeutic dose of oleander for two weeks prior to the scan I would absolutley continue at that level. It may take another two months to see the results you want, but as I mentioned earlier it often takes two or more months to turn the tide and see significant results. Oleander is not chemo or radiation and does not produce immediate results. Neither does it poison your body, but instead builds it up to fight the cancer with your natural immune system along with oleander's other cancer fighting abilities and those of the other items in the protocol. As you said, you feel really good - and that is a good sign that it is doing exactly what you would hope for. So is it a good sign to me that the liver cancers have apparently not continued to grow even if some tumors have no become large enough to be detected in the lungs. If it were me, I would do everything I could on the suggested protocol and have another test after two full months on the maximum oleander doseage. If you continue to feel well and there has been very little or no further growth at that point or even better some regression, then you will know you are on the right path. If there is significant new growth then you may want to try something else, such as the ozone therapy suggested by our friend Hveragarthi. I may not be a completely sold on it as H is, but I do like it and it is very effective for many people.
I also suggest that besides my messages you also look at the anti-cancer protocol to see what else you may not be doing.
The bottom line to me is that you are feeling quite well and oleander has barely had any time to work at the largest dose amounts and it is no time to panic. The worst thing you might do is run for chemo and undo all the good immune building and other healthy things you have been doing for a treatment that offers virtually zero percent success for cancers that have metasticized. Typically chemo only works when cancer is caught early on, has not spread at all, and when the chemo is administered in small enough amounts that the body is not damaged too far. And even then it is actually the body itself that heals the cancer, not the chemo.