I cannot answer that, but I can tell what happened to me.
I got stretch marks all over my body when i was a teenager. i was 11 at the time and now i am 22. most of them faded and you are not able to see. (the one on my legs and butt) the bad bad ones are still there, over 10 years passed by and they are still red and purple (on my boobs).
I am 9 months pregnant and I had nightmares about stretch marks the whole 9 months.
I gained 30 pounds, I exercise at least 4 times a week, I drink 2 liters of water everyday (about 8 glasses) I eat super healthy, veggies, fruits everyday. And plus .. I put lotion Cocoa Butter special for stretch marks at least 4 times a day. Bio Oil at least 5 times a day (on my belly and boobs). AND my mom got pregnant 3 times and had NO stretch marks at all.
Guess what?
I have new stretch marks on my belly!! I don`t know what else to do about them, everything I could do, I did and I am still doing! They are not bad, they are below my belly bottom, small and light. BUt they are there!
I believe if haven`t took all the good care about my skin, they would be way worse!
I didn`t have any until week 34!
comparing to the people i have seen, they are nothing, but yeah ... they are there and I don`t like them!
Hopefully they will fade just like the "not that bad" ones I had when I was teen!