Hi Curezone - I need help in resolving a question/problem I have. It seems that taking certain supplements (esp. in relatively-high quantities) makes me smell - the odor gets into my clothes and everything. But it doesn't even require me taking an exceptionally-large amount of fish oil for this to happen. Whenever I take the standard, daily-serving-sized amount of Carlson's fish oil (1 teaspoon per day) - I get a body odor...or rather, my perspiration seems to get this strong, "rancid oil" smell to it and it ends up being embedded in my clothing. Even when I cut down on the frequency of the dose (taking it say, 3 or 4 times per week instead of taking it everyday) - the smell always ends up in my clothes.
Does anyone else have this problem - does fish oil or any other supplement give your perspiration an odor? (I've noticed an odor when I take certain amounts of other supplements, too.) I just want to get an idea of how "normal" this is. I wonder if this problem I have is indicative of some problem in my metabolism (perhaps a congested liver or something). I mean, is this "supposed" to happen?
Actually, my mother has been the one who has brought this matter to my attention - she's complained about the way I smell, or the way my clothes smell. It's gotten to the point where she's banned me from taking fish oil as long as I'm living in her home. Her complaints haven't been pleasant to hear, but I suppose I should be thankful to her for bringing this matter to my attention.
Try a different brand of fish oil or maybe switch to Omega 3's. Also, what is your diet like, this may have something to do with the body odor. And you may want to look into iodine supplementation.
Actually, one to two tablespoons of flaxseed oil per day will move you from estrogen dominance back to hormonal balance.
Flax seed oil contains an omega-3 called alpha-linolenic acid, which is one of two fatty acids that the body needs and cannot make for itself. Several other sources of ALA do exist, most notably walnuts and hemp seed. Omega-3s are needed by every cell in the body. Among other things, an ample supply helps ensure that cell membranes stay flexible so that cells can get nutrients easily.
The body can use ALA to make all the other omega-3 fatty acids that it needs, including both EPA and DHA. Thus, if you get enough ALA, you don’t need to eat any other sources of omega-3s.
Another advantage of getting one’s omega-3s from the ALA in flax oil is that the body does not create more EPA and DHA than it needs. Therefore, ingesting too much EPA/DHA is not an issue.
As for diet, it is of primary importance not only with regard to body odor but every aspect of your health. Try to eat as much raw as possible, 80% raw 20% cooked, consisting of chicken and fresh water fish. This is an excellent source of omega 3's.
I don't know the intricacies of iodine supplementation and toxicity, so I am going to suggest that you go to the iodine forum and address this issue. They will explain it to you in detail. I do know that iodine removes toxins and I can attest to its health values. I believe that iodine supplementation will also be instrumental in correcting the fibrocystic breast issues. Something else you may like to try for this is the Oleander Exract which fights against irregular cells and growths. And, by the way, it is an excellent way to detox while supporting the immune system. You can get this supplement at http://www.sutherlandiaopc.com or make it yourself. However, if you choose to make it yourself you must follow the precise recipe and make sure that the plant has not been sprayed with any pesticides.
Hope I answered your questions.