Thank you so much Dr. Lam for your reply.
After my hours of endless searching on the web for health information, I have to compliment you on your site that is organized and one of the best resources of infromation I have come across. Thank you for this.
I have two questions, if I may ask.
I have adrenal fatigue, mercrury posoning, and I believe hypothyroid as well as other studff but this is the focus now.
One, I do believe I am in an advanced state of adrenal fatigue. And you mentioned that the glandulars will not work as well on those cases. I wonder if you would explain more?
Two, the Doctor I have obtained is someone that I have contacted over the internet. She has evaluated a highly informative computerized diagnostic work up that I bought at and I am using her basically over the internet.
I do have a concern now, after reading your site, about the necessity to alter medications and her ability to do so over the net. I live in Sweden where we do not have alternative doctors here. I am doing a heavy metal cleanse now for mercury, and I am beyond exhausted. I feel this detox has greatly worsened my adrenal function, and I just obtained the adrenal medicines to begin with the glandulars. After 2 days, I am feeling better, but see it will be a slow hill back up again. I do see these paradoxical reactions since I have begun the heavy metal cleanse about 6 weeks ago.
Sudden onset of anxiety attacks and impending doom at rest
Sudden onset of heart palpitations despite normal cardiac function
My palpitations have worsened considerably...and I wonder if you could tell me why?? Although my hormones do feel like they are balacning out. My curreny menstrual period can only be described as excruciating hormonal pain.
Any advice and help you could supply is so much appreciated because I am trying to figure out a lot of this on my own....I have this doctor to contact, and she is advising me but I must pay for it and I am virtually unemployed.