I ate some pineapple every day for a week (maybe half a pineapple each day). No doubt it did me some good, but nothing spectacular.
And, by the end of the week suggested, I couldn't look another pineapple in the face, for quite a while. I found it quite extreme, even though I was eating a variety of other foods, as well.
As for garlic and onions, I think you might run the risk of some kind of a 'reaction', if your diet isn't 'buffered' with at least some other foods.
Currently I am taking some fresh pineapple, figs, and pumpkin seeds, by turns, when I remember...to give any tapes and/or ascaris, etc., something to think about.
I think I'll give them a little castor oil/orange juice mini 'hot wash' one day soon.
Overall, I don't want to do anything extreme or challenging...at this time.
But, that's just me.
Another thing a person can do is a three-day juice fast, which is quite effective, I am told. I wonder what would happen if a person added garlic and onions to that...and were ready to add in plain and simple things, at any time.
I find it very useful to take a nap, when I feel like it, when experimenting. It doesn't take much of a change to make a difference.
I guess what I am saying is...play it by ear. Try your plan for, say, a few hours, and be ready to take very plain other foods, when and if you want them; lots of water; veggie juices; perhaps an apple or two, if you wish; or home-made veggie broth.
When you are limiting the variety of foods you consume, something different and simple can taste mighty good...and refresh your resolve.
It is, after all, your purpose to REDUCE strenuous extremes, and NOT to punish your body...but to support it.
I hope there is something in this post for you, Pizza.