Usually I try o keep some of the dustups I get into outside this site to myself, but I would like to invite one and all to go take a look at another fine mess I got myself into:
Yes, it is a blogsite with incredibly close minded mainstream dupes (and possibly agents and trolls) - so much so that the know-it-all moderator refused to let me provide information for a woman whose mother had been given up on by mainstream medicine (though finally I managed to get my information to her).
Her guiding thought is that once mainstream medicine tells you that you are terminal nothing can save you and you should just accept the sentence and die. Period.
Anyway, she and a couple of others pounded on me relentlessly but I think you can see that I more than held my ground despite the rigged nature of the blogsite.
Feel free to set them straight - I told them it was senseless for me to try to speak with someone whose ears and minds were closed and bid them farewell - but I see from my email notifications that they just used that as an opportunity to repeat their lies and take parting shots.
It seems to me that someone telling them that they were diagnosed as terminal and then beat cancer would totally defeat their argument. They might come back and say that you were merely misdiagnosed, but that too would defeat them because how could they say with certainty that others given terminal prognosis were not similarly misdiagnosed and could therefore save themselves the same as you?
And so, just this once I invite any other member who reads this to go give them a piece of your mind and set them straight, especially those who are alive today after being given terminal diagnosis.
Yes, and it has gotten worse since you were there. It is really pathetic to deny any possibility of help when mainstream medicine has failed and Beatis and her cohort there show their true colors with all the censorhsip, labelling, name calling and false accusations against people like myself, Chris1b and Luella when we dare post the truth.
It appears she has a manic need to justify herself to the point of having to virtually dispute every single sentence that does not fit within her mainstream-only paradigm.
I do thank you, Sara, and everyone else who tried to post, whether successful or not, They obviously have no intention of giving much creedence to anyone who does not agree with their close-minded views - and they just as obviously would rather do whatever it takes to prevent a fair treatment of opposing views, even to the despicable point of keep potentially life saving information off their site for the sake to support the big lie that only mainstream medicine can help people with cancer when we all know here that just the opposite is true.
But we did try, perhaps some were helped and if nothing else we gave those dimwits some fits. I wonder how their bandwidth limit is holding up on that insignificant little site of modern neanderthals?