That's what they're prescribing half the populace around here, steroids that is, and
Antibiotics for this mysterious lung ailment that's going around. I'm doing better than most, thanks to Newpie's suggestions, T's
SSKI , Grz's MoM, steaming my head and drinking soup and hot lemon water.
Steroids are prescribed for their anti-inflammatory action:
(oops, forgot to grab the link on this one)
How do steroids work?
Steroids work by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune system. Inflammation is a process in which the body's white blood cells and chemicals can protect against infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. In certain diseases, however, the body's defense system (immune system) doesn't function properly. This might cause inflammation to work against the body's tissues and cause damage. Inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain.
Steroids reduce the production of inflammatory chemicals in order to minimize tissue damage. Steroids also reduce the activity of the immune system by affecting the function of white blood cells.
Sounds GREAT, huh? just what we need, suppress the immune system and alter function of white blood cells!
That along with
Antibiotics ...egads.
prescription to keep you going back to the doc, fo sho.
Anyway, I remembered that turmeric is a good anti-inflammatory, started to do a little research on it, turns out that the BEST info, as usual, can be found right here on CZ:
Check out Risingsun's other blogs as well, great stuff.
BTW, just drank down some turmeric in hot water. I swear my chest feels better already.