MH 108
I Puchased 2 of these from Europe a few years back. A full auto model and a Professional Model from the same company. I never turned the Professional Model on and used the Full automatic model for 30 days straight. I then proved to the owner of that company, that the Ionic Foot baths are a LIE from the get go! Their color water verse disease is all a LIE, all a worthless gimmic...every website selling these things should go out of business.
An example
When this trash came out, people would buy them and charge $50 for 1 treatment and that scam is what lures people into buying them and then lieing about them......
Today, one person recently started this stupidity up and their price is $16....and soon enough, her stupidity will be out of business as people discover she is stupid' I SAY STUPID, because the company has supplied her training on how to lie about the product and she is too stupid to know anything that she is otherwords, she is a victim of false advertising, same as I was and everyone else that ever turned on their computer and got lured into buying something that sounded too good to be true. I would not trade a 2 oz of harb spray for both machines.
The machines cost $1,000.00 or so, I have allot of extra canasters because they come from Europe and wanted to get plenty, because since they are suppose to be so great, I wanted to have plenty for the future.
The color water scam, is a scam, all lies. The metal from the canasters goes into your feet and nothing comes from your feet into the water. The electric shocking and poisoning of your feet, does make you feel "something" aftre 30 foot baths......but I suggest it has no value and may actually be harming you.
Crap like this is why I warn people about the internet websites.....they can be good, but it is an open market for the theives.