Hi Ya'll,
Many folks may get caught up in the Race Card and Claim an Injustice has been done to them because of their Color of skin?
This may be seen very Clear in the USA with the Blacks wanting to Blame the Whites for their fore-fathers being put into Slavery !
The problem with this is that these same Complainers do not want to Recognize that it was their own Black folks from another Village or Tribe that Sold their Fore-fathers into Slavery in the 1st place !
Yet, the issue of Race continues in Many Countries around the world with both sides trying to Blame the other side !
How Many of these same folks have been willing to admit that some of the problem is their and their Fore-fathers Poor choices that have gotten them into the Fix
they may presently in?
Who wants to be a Slave?
Now, most folks will say they do not want to be a Slave, but what Poor choices are they Presently making that is Still Causing them to be Slaves and they do
not even understand?
What kind of Slavery am I talking about that comes because of the Poor choices Many folks make regardless of their skin Color?
Could there be a Reason so many folks have become Slaves without even knowing it?
Would it be because folks have rejected their Creator God's advice, that has allowed them to become Slaves?
What kind of Slavery am I talking about?
What kind of advice did God give us?
Proverbs 22:7 The Rich ruleth over the Poor, and the Borrower is Servant to the Lender.
Just how Many folks now find themselves as Servants to the Lenders because of their own Poor choices of wanting things they could not pay Cash for and were willing to become Slaves to the Lenders in order to have More Material Goods
that do not bring Health and Happiness, but much the opposite as the Bill's come Due and we have to work for the Lenders as their Slaves to re-pay the Lenders?
When man Stops Rejecting God's advice and chooses to Live by God's Guidance one may find Freedom, not Slavery !
Everyone whom has Freely choosen to become a Servant to the Lender has made themself a Slave of their own choice !
Yet, folks still want to find others to Blame for their own Poor choices in Life !
Maybe if more folks would learn some much needed Personal Responsibility, we would not find ourself still a Slave with NO one to Blame, but ourself?
How can folks avoid becomming a Slave to the Lender?
How many folks have heard about learning to Live within our Means?
All this means is we do not spend more than we make !
How can one do this?
When we learn to get as much of our Essentials of Food, Clothing, & Shelter without the Money system, then we may avoid becomming a Slave?
Of course we may not have the Fancy Car or House or Beach front property etc, but what we will have may be Free and Clear !
How can this be accomplished?
Everyone has wants and needs, we just need to learn to help others get what they want and our needs shall be taken care of !
Could this mean we may need to forget about I, Me, I ,Me and think about others instead?
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.