I'm trying to figure that out. I wasn't into natural medicine at the time.
First time I was just a teenager, and then a year later because the first surgery didn't work. I had one a few years ago, due to sinusitus. I had a broken septum from sneezing and the sinus couln't drain. It still is giving me problems. I broke my nose from sneezing so much, a punched nose as a kid, and from a bad fall as a toddler. My allergies don't help. I hate this constant trouble. I just moved to a totally different climate and have been sneezing a lot. I think that forces dust and stuff into my nasal cavaties. I also had my adenoids removed. I can smell and all that, it's just so annoying for this problem to keep coming up. I will start
Liver Flushing soon, so hopefully that will help.
I recently did a cleanse and saw these half peanut looking thing int he toilet. And I don't swallow whole peanuts. I thinkt hey were flukes. I hope this is the problem so I can get to the bottom of it.
It's such a mess.