Well if you have gotten past the teeth thing (I'm assuming you don't have any
root canals also), you might consider the allergy route.
I did about 3 years of allergy shots without any success, but like I said in a previous post, I was able to eliminate mine through NAET. There's probably one in your area. (Link below)
Also, from
Hulda Clark e :
""Cleansing the liver of
Gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being."
"Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and
parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these
Gallstones from the liver."
Liver Cleanses would be cheaper, and you can do one every 2 weeks or so until you get all the stones out. (Link below)
Candida is another possibility. If you have been taking
Antibiotics . If the candida is bad enough, it can travel by the blood to other parts of your body. Read the
Candida Forum .
As far as the bad breath, it is probably caused by the drainage from your sinuses. You can also gargle with the H202 in distilled water. Also check out this site. (link below) This guy has a protocol and products for this problem.
Just keep truckin, it's a process of elimination. Good luck.