Snow, your shareing here is always great, hope you find your present stress lessening soon.
Since youve done some looking into the B 12 topic youve probably found that it has a certain controversy.
Those that push supplementing it with shots and pills and those who believe its presence is often hard to detect and incorrect to supplement directly.
Since as an example the healthy non human chlorophyll eater, would benefit from a rich growing environment for their greens it might be something you could try but I think the intestinal reality is more gutteral than civilized and if we are not overeating and we are controlling food combinations reletivly well, our b12 should be not as much a concern as we might think it to be with re to symptoms we are considering as signs of a deficiency.
Since you are growing your own I hope you are taking advantage of intakeing as much as you can and feel comfortable with,especially w the vegan approach, and as we have discussed here, many of us have found it to be more beneficial to dilute it. Perhaps you were in on the most recent thread on that and feel that diluting is incorrect or would comprimize the value. I would hope you would study that topic to ascertain its truth or not.