It seems there is a chapter about
Iodine benefits for Graves and Hashimoto in his book, so i doubt he is against it now :
Iodine: Why You Need It Why You Can't Live Without It
"Myth Number two: Too much
Iodine above the RDA of 150 mcg is not safe.
In reality
Iodine supplementation is very safe. The average Japanese diet contains 12 mg per day which is 100 times the RDA in the US. In the event of a nuclear power plant accident, the government gives everyone 50 mg. of Iodine to prevent thyroid cancer.
A chapter is devoted to iodine deficiency and fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer. Brownstein presents case reports of women with fibrocystic disease as well as
Breast Cancer who benefit from iodine supplementation. Another chapter devoted to the thyroid describes patients with Graves' disease and Hashimoto's disease who benefit from iodine supplementation.
Iodine tablets are inexpensive and widely available as a nutritional supplement called Iodoral without a prescription. Another book,
Breast Cancer and Iodine, by David Derry MD PhD, is also recommended.
Jeffrey Dach MD"