It is a beautiful world for me—not you…
The view one has of the world is selectively subjective.
It has been said that the world is illusion. And this whole illusion exists around you because you have not learned one basic thing— that of being alone, being free of attachments, your attachment to things and to others.
By attachments it is meant relationships that really don’t exist, only you believe that they exist. For example: you are a husband—you believe that a certain relationship exists between you and your wife, but it is just a belief. Living with a woman for forty, fifty years, there is a side of her you may never know, she just may remain a stranger, and you remain a stranger to her? Then suddenly the day comes, she wants to be with someone else. The illusion, the belief, is shattered. The expected turns into the unexpected—frustration results and misery.
You cling to the wife, you cling to the husband, to the children, to the parents, to the friends. You cling to person, to things, and everything is in constant flux. The wife falls in love with somebody else—you are frustrated. The husband escapes—you are frustrated. The child dies—you are frustrated. The bank fails, goes bankrupt—you are frustrated. The body becomes ill, weak, death starts knocking at the door—you are frustrated. But these frustrations are because of your expectations. And only you are responsible for them.
Relationship is just a make-believe. It helps. It helps in a way. It allows us to feel that we are not alone. It makes life a little more comfortable, but that comfort is illusory. The other remains the other, and there is no way to penetrate the mystery of the other. We only meet on the periphery, we nevery meet heart to heart. It is not is not possible. We are alone. This is the reality of the situation.
All relationship is just an absurd effort, because you cannot reach the other, you cannot touch the center of the other’s being. And unless you have touched the center, how can you relate? But the dream, the desire, is created, one clings to it, one becomes attached to the belief that it is real.
When your happiness depends on others, your unhappiness also will depend on others. If you are happy because a woman loves you, you will be unhappy if she does not love you. If you are happy for a reason whatsoever, then any day that reason is not there, you will become unhappy.
This is the normal situation for worldly type people. The way they live their lives is dependent on others, on what others’ opinions are of them. It is a life which depends on relationships. This dependence on relationship and one can never feel really blissful. Because depending on others is a bondage. One can never really be free. Blissfulness is possible only in total, unconditional freedom.
In the East this freedom is called moksha. Moksha means absolute freedom. To be with oneself is moksha because now you don’t depend. Your happiness is simply your own, you don’t borrow it from anybody. And nobody can take it away.
The way out is only through knowing where desires, attachment, having dreams of futue lead to - misery. That nothing is yours, nothing can be possessed. That in this life nothing is permanent. That you are here for just a short while. That it is not possible to make a permanent home here. This understanding comes by finding this out through one's own experience, not through belief, not by obtaining that information from someone else. The moment when you come to know this for your own self, then desiring simply drops, because you know where it takes you to.
You can be in the home, you can be with your wife and your children, but be aware that nothing belongs to you; remain alert that you don’t fall into attachment; remain alert that if things change you are ready to accept the change, that you will not weep for the spilt milk, that you will not cry, that you will not go crazy or mad.
(With excerpts from THE DISCIPLINE OF TRANSCENDENCE VOL. 1 Discourse #3)
What that teaching means to me.... ok'
It means not that I am going to get rid of desires pleasures etc....
It means to me that when I am upset or frustrated - I remember the teaching and try to analyses the situation - Sure Joe blow is doing this or that - but why am I effected by their actions as I am - why am I empowering them to control me emotionally... This can be repeated many times each day - It does help empower ourselves... To have the outcome as we desire (or at least a little more as we desire) (making baby steps). To be a little more in control of the situation - with out using a gun so to speak...
The wants in life, not being satisified with what I have NOW. Not appreciation that with that I all ready have. Can be the difference from a great day and a damn I never get what I want day.... If you get the drift.... Cup 1/2 full or cup 1/2 empty - all how we choose to look at the situation at each moment throught each day.... This is what I get from his teaching - for me
To lose all desire - WTF would life be worth living for.... Just my opinion....
That is why decades of practice produce almost zero results. Those who get the best results are those who spend a lot of time in the company of an Enlightened Being. This close proximity causes their Brain Function to change as the brain regrows itself in sympathy with its experiences.
Yet only a few people have the brain that can reach perfection in Enlightenment. For the rest it is a hopeless task often leading to frustration or exploitation by a Guru who promises something they can never have
In the practice of anything... in practicing anything, in repeating it enough times over and over, it becomes a habit... one autohypnotizes oneself. With habits (good or bad) one remains unaware... no growth is possible. Understanding this can be considered 'radical' in this regard, as one normally thinks only bad habits have to be broken and gotten rid of. For growth of consciousness, life has to be lived without any habits.
You have made a habit of telling yourself that moving beyond mind is not possible, and repeatedly telling this to others. You are autohypnozing yourself in doing so. The society has convinced you that one has to be an extraordinary person for this to occur. Seems to me you have been a successfully conditioned member of society in this regard, because society doesn't need to convince you of this anymore. You are now doing it to yourself. And, in fact, are now acting as an agent of that society by trying to convince others of this, too.
"You have made a habit of telling yourself that moving beyond mind is not possible, and repeatedly telling this to others. You are autohypnozing yourself in doing so. The society has convinced you that one has to be an extraordinary person for this to occur. Seems to me you have been a successfully conditioned member of society in this regard, because society doesn't need to convince you of this anymore. You are now doing it to yourself. And, in fact, are now acting as an agent of that society by trying to convince others of this, too"
I didnt say it was impossible. I said it was something only a very few people could reach. Rajneesh never acknowledge any of his disciples as enlightened. People are exploited by gurus who promise them something they cant deliver then blame the devotee for lack of practice.
Insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different result.-Einstein. So to expect more practice to produce enlightenment when decades havent is crazy.
There is also a contradiction in that Enlightenment is said to be the result of understanding not effort.My reading of the KNee of LIstening and the Method of the Siddhas produced the necesssary understanding to change my consciousness in one week to the first stage of enlightenment.
So by definition one cannot practice understanding as it is a radical activitiy. I suggest that what is practiced is the slow changing of the brain structure and in a few people this leads to Enlightenment or some lesser experience of it. I am not against people living from the point of view of intuition or silent mind and maintaining a constant practice of meditation. I am just saying that the idea that this will lead to enlightenment is not born out by my observations or personal experiences.
Sex is pseudobliss. It is the release of energy which creates a sense of emptiness which is a kind of unconsciousness, thus there is the false appearance of desirelessness which is temporary. Real bliss is the experience of oneness in the midst of fullness and energy.
Is enlightenment possible? Between Jesus and Adi Da there is not one recorded other westerner that was Enlightened!
And who is it that is keeping this record? Who is recording these statistics? Must be the Master of all Masters. You are talking absurdly. It is fine that you have found your Adi Da...It is only natural that your master must be the top master, the only one that has come since Jesus Christ. But really have a look at this, this is nothing but your ego making this claim, talking its nonsense.
I dont know of any others and you havent indicated you know of any. And I didnt say he was the only one, only that he was the only one in the western world that anybody gave some creedance to being Enlightened. In the East there have been many.
I It is true for you, it works for you, but to say that there is nobody else on this planet that others can find to trust for themselves is absurd, you are talking like a fundamentalist –its extremism.
There have been others in the east but presently I dont know of any alive that are true siddhas capable of generating powerful shakitpat. Anyone can talk the talk. There may be a few. And not all enlightened beings function as Gurus.
What is effort?
The day you were born, your nose was clear, relaxation with yourself was an easy and natural thing. Breathing free, easy--no effort needed.
Initially effort was needed- to place the finger up the nose.
Then when it is understood, the method is not longer needed. One stops accumulating knowledge, one understands that it is not needed any longer. The growth process continues on.
If you cannot explain what it is you ARE TRYING to say straight on without analogies or parables no one is going to understand what you ARE TRYING to say. You sort of hint at the truth when you say,
"Then it is understood, the method is not longer needed.On stops accumulationg knowledge,one understands that it is not needed any longer. "
The method that is not needed is ordinary meditation based on effort or seeking. When you abandon seeking you fall into grace or satsang.
Then you go back to,:the growth continues on". Which implies you should take up the search again. But in Radical Understanding one always Understands and does not Seek. There is no growth only the illusion of growth or ascent.
It is important to be able to explain what real meditation is and is not to one who wishes to begin it. Otherwise they will be lost in seeking and quit. Effort and seeking are not it. Only Radical Understanding is it.