Last night, my boyfriend brother just told him he has cancer. It is skin cancer and the most deadly kind of it.
He already had some taken out, but today he is undergoing more surgery to get more taken out. They will tell him in one week whether it has reached his lymph system yet, and if it has, he has six months to live.
First of all, has anyone beaten cancer after it has metastisized (whatever that word is!) with flushing and what not?
Secondly, my boyfriend has eczema on his elbows that he has always wanted to get rid of. Since his brother got skin cancer (he is only in his mid forties, doesn't drink or smoke OR bask in the sun), does this mean that my boyfriend is prone to it also --especially since his skin his obviously a weak organ of his body already?
What can be done? For his brother AND/OR for Chad?
(A little hunch says you'll say cleansing, but I am curious how the cleanses would take care of these problems --especially for cancer if it has already spread all over his body.)
Thanks everyone. Scarlet.