Hi everyone! This is Day 30 -- the magical common "complete fast" number. My tongue is still 10-12% coated, my urine is still dark and has a high specific gravity, and I'm probably wearing at least 15
pounds of fat on my chest, abdomen, and hips.
Yesterday I hit -40 pounds, but today I was up .5
pounds (I drank about 20
ounces before bed last night, and it didn't all come out in the morning). Weight loss is becoming eratic. Yesterday I weighed in down 2.5 pounds! (Detecto balance beam physicians scale)
Yesterday was a tough day. I wondered if I might have been dehydrated, so I made it a point to drink more water. I was completely drained yesterday, my stomach hurt, and my head hurt. Healing crisis? I don't know. I'd say that so far week 5 has been the hardest since week 1.
Anyway, I'm going to keep going to the end. Dr.
Shelton says that too many people throw in the towel when there is just a few more days remaining, and those last few days can be the most beneficial (detox-wise).