Well, yesterday was day one and I had really bad heartburn ALL Day! Thinking maybe too much cayenne? Today was better, but had to work this morning and I opened a brand new jar of olives for the bar and popped one in my mouth without even thinking!!! (I spit it out, but it's funny how unconcious our eating habits can be sometimes!) I'm having hunger pangs today, but I expect that to ease up by tomorrow or thursday. Did a 14-dayer last May, want to go at least that long this time, we'll see. For now the goal is 14 days, hopefully longer. I want to experience that "deep cleaning on the cellular level" that Pepe talks about. For the most part I take pretty good care of myself, but I've had some
Depression issues lately and have been partying too much, sort of self-medicating :( Having to focus on cleansing will definitely help! This forum is so helpful since NO ONE gets what I'm doing at all. It's so nice to check in here while drinking a big glass of lemonade...