I can totally relate to the lack of a sense of direction....and what else did you write....?
Poor memory?
oh, now that I looked, poor sense of direction.
When I was 18 I took
Antibiotics for months due to infections that went on for a year. In 2002? or was it 2003? I was bitten by a tick with Lymes. I got the bullseye. For a time I r-e-a-l-l-y had a bad sense of direction in semi familiar places in a city I had lived and walked around for nearly 10 years.
Two years ago I worked at an organic farm that treated workers such as myself like slaves and I put up with it. The dehydration and stress resulted in what I believe to be AF.
I have also been researching more about Lymes since my confusion was off the charts once that happened.
These days, when I am stressed, meaning when I am at home and am worried I am late for the infrequent bus arrival, I will become weak and confused. I will pretty much forget the gist of essential directions or my purse just so I can rush to the bus stop.
What I read about Lymes is that there are more means of getting it than first supposed. That it is hard to treat. That is it difficult to diagnose with a simple blood test. That the toxins put out by the bacteria are damaging to us. Apparently, Candidas' waste products is toxic to our brains as well.
It seems to me living a cleansing diet and lifestyle, as much as works with the personality is a good first step:
Sunshine, Fresh Air, Clean pure unmedicated water, healthy breathing, relaxation, veggies, fruit, good protein, appropriate exercise, saunas ....