I am wondering whether you guys could help me figure out what just happened!
Yesterday I found in my cupboard some of Richard Schultze' Detox tea. Since I am so limited on money, yet excited to cleanse my liver, I thought I'd have a few cups of this tea, hoping if anything it might help with this nasty flu I've been fighting.
Well, I had about three cups during the afternoon, then I had about two or three just before going to bed. Right after I had my last cup before bed I started feeling really lousy. I just assumed it was my flu flaring up, so I went to bed. As I lay there, I kept feeling more and more nauseous. I drifted away a little, then came to when I noticed my left kidney was working overtime.
I could feel movement or a tightness in my liver area, and my body was demanding more and more water, and I just layed there nauseous until I had to go to the bathroom REALLY bad. I pretty much ran to the bathroom and went diareeah and found a bunch of floating tan "grapenuts" in the toilet. I also found a couple mushy light green globs as well.
The grapenut floaters kind of could pass for seeds, but I don't recall eating any vegetable with seeds of this shape recently. Besides, do seeds float? How would I know whether or not they were just seeds?
But I didn't even do the liver flush! All I did was drink some of shultze's tea (which is really yummy by the way.)
Do you guys think that I may have expelled some
liver stones ???? Or do you think it was probably just some seeds and the result of the flu.
Thanks for any responses!