The budwig diet says to take it out. Some of the alternative cancer sites for instant says to leave it in. For me I throw it out and don't drink it but it is up to you.
I don't see why you can't make a smoothie, as long as all the ingredients are in. Tell me what kind of oil are you using. Most oils are unacceptable. Barleans is the best. Trader joe's has a good one also. Make sure it is in refrigerator section and in a very dark bottle. If you cannot get a good oil use the flax seed only. Now the ground flax seed must be eaten within ten minutes, so only ground what you want.
I know it is so much to digest all at once. To introduce yourself to budwig depending on your cancer stage, you should start out with flax seed ground with honey. You need to read the entire diet and then you can know how to approach everything, like the potato should be steamed with the skins on.
Let me know how I can help.