I will begin a fast on Feb 1st and it will last for one week, 7 days. You can choose your choice of fast, whether it is watermelon, pumpkin or citrus. I think it is so important to clean our systems at least 3 times a year. I have done the pumpkin and the watermelon ones and they are great. I have to say the pumpkin was the quickest but the watermelon showed lots of results as you are drinking the seeds.
It is important to prepare yourself prior to the fast so this week I am deworming naturally. So you have seen lots of post for natural worm recipes. I highly suggest you read all of them and see which ones you prefer. It is up to you. You can choose to do the barefoot or humanworm or whatever one you have been doing, but it is extremely important that you choose one and act quickly.
Also this week, prior to the cleanse reduce your diet, starting with lots of raw and eliminate meat or reduce it drastically. Try to have some protein 2 days prior to the fast and this could be lentils, eggs, cheese, brazil nuts, flax seeds, yogurt, etc. it does not need to be meat.
When you are fasting eliminate all supplements and vitamins. You must clean your system of everything and this gives you time to relax. No supplement should be taken all the time. All supplements need to take rest. So to have a week of rest is important.
Lastly, stress. Try to relax, exercise and take some anise and mint tea to relax with. Another great tea is blacks seed and ginger.
Ok, waiting to see who is joining me.