I have seen that site many times before and like it too. I have been trying to get in contact with the webmaster without avail to give them some additional information, but so far the only legit contact information I have found is a fax number in Germany, and I am not even sure that works. I think Mertle's testimonial would make a wonderful addition to the site, don't you?
V - you are so very, very right! When I found that my cousing had been suddenly diagnosed with stage III melanoma I poured heart and soul into researching natural alternative. One of the first sites I found, and still a big favorite, was Cancertutor. I was overwhelmed with all the choices on that one site alone, much less all the information I found elsewhere. Hopefully, some people will trust people like Webster Kehr, myself and others who have spent untold hours trying to seperate fact from fiction and find out what is the best. We may not always be right, but we are right more often than not by a big margin and don't try to give false hope just because something was supposed to have worked for one or two people.
Sadly too many will fall for something totally unproven. I mean, someone could go outside and lick a toadstool every night and become cancer free because of other reasons (sometimes cancers just go away period) and declare that they had found the cure and write a Lick the Mushrooom book and desperate people would be racing to the bookstore and licking mushrooms far and near.
On the other hand, others might choose something that worked for many but is not as effective as other treatments or else is no longer nearly as successful in today's world of depleted soils and increased toxins. Like Essaic tea for example. It is a good cleanser and healthy in many ways, and would make a good ADDITION to a cancer fighting protocol in most instances, but it is a weak cancer treatment by itself anymore. Even Budwig is no longer enough for many people.
If a person were going to just pick one magic bullet (there is no such thing), they should pick iodine, or curcumin. Or oleander, which is my favorite.
And if they do not change their diets and lifestyle, no amount of supplements and herbs may help them. As our friend Trapper says, people that do that are just throwing good supplements on top of a bad foundation.
Excellent points again V.
The book project I am working on is hinted at very strongly in my articles and protocol:
Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer
A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol
The idea is to take everything we know or strongly suspect about cancer and put together a step by step protocol that addresses as many elements as possible in a harmonius way to help conquer and keep cancer at bay, with some adjustments for specific types of cancer.
It is a pretty ambitious program, but a great deal of the foundation is in place and the back up information about the various elements too. And it continues to develop. Look for it later this year. First though, in the next month or so, my expanded original book will be coming out in hardcover.
Originally, Dr. Ozel only used oleander as an adjunctive treatment along with chemo, surgery and/or radiation. Or, in many instances, when they failed. He pretty much had to because mainstream holds sway in his native Turkey too. In fact he was brought up on charges of practicing unauthorized medicine but the court was flooded with cured cancer patients and the charges thrown out.
Even so, he has had great success and for the most part oleander was about all that was used. Then others like myself and Marc Swanepoel came along and added other elements including diet, supplements, liver cleansing and lifestyle and the success became even greater.
I have learned a great deal since coming to CureZone. When utilized fully one can both be a teacher and student here. Much of what I have learned from folks like yourself and Trapper and many others, such as iodine, has been incorporated into the protocol.
And the work and learning and the beat goes on, my friend.