We can only hope that the outcome you wish for is what we get instead of something far more ominous as may be intended by the manipulators.
What is happening with our financial house of cards reminds me of a drug addict in their final stages. Inside, they know they need to change their life and quit, and often they want to change, but they cannot bring themselves to escape the false high of their drug induced unreality and they attempt to escape facing up to their problem with more, more, more of the same drug and behavior that got them there in the first place.
Like a drug addict, our financial system will either die or else somehow reach a bottom short of death and begin a long and often painful journey back towards sanity and health.
I too hope for the best, but I fear the worst - because I know who the "pushers" are that whisper the sweet nothings in our ears as we lose our money, our jobs and our homes to enrich them as we keep feeding our our addiction.
Anything you can become mentally or phsyically dependent or obsess about can be an addiction. The list is almost endless:
Drugs, alcohol, sex, food, co-dependency, abuse, exercise, computers and the internet . . . and even spending obsessively.
That's why you see all the 12-step programs besides just those for narcotics and alchohol.
Yes, we do move on and refine our definitions and understandings. Obese was once merely grossly overweight, but now the accepted definition is "an excess of body fat that frequently results in a significant impairment of health." I think the new definition makes more sense from the standpoint of health. I also think that the new awareness and improved definition of addiction is much more accurate and in tune with reality. After all, by definition, anything that is addicting can become therefore become an addiction.
Insofar as no one needing to compare heroin addicition to addiction to video games, I do not see anyone here saying that the two should be compared, though both can become addictions - the same as I would not compare a motorcycle to a transit bus, though both are motorized forms of transportations. As far as chemical changes and dopamine receptors a great many things can bring about such changes if they bring pleasure, including bubble baths and back rubs. Or listening to music. Or playing video games and there have been studies that prove it (look it up!). Addiction is a subject I know well, having studied it and having worked with addicts.
I am glad to see that you recognize that there are varying degrees in things like addiction and chemicals. You seemed to indicate just the opposite when it came to supplements and drugs when you said regulation is regulation.
Yes indeed. Even CureZone too - lol. I started to add "supplements" but felt there could only be one kicker and used "spending", which was the topic that more or less led into the defining of addiction.
A person's right to throw their fist around ends where my nose begins. If someone robs me to get the money they need for their addiction it is indeed my business. If their addiction causes them to lose control of their car and damage me or my car, then that too is my business. And if their addiction causes a strain on society that I am a member of then that too is my business. A person should have unlimited freedom only up to the point that it harms someone else.
As we learn more about the addictive and destructive nature of drugs, "recreational drugs" becomes yet another term that is being refined. Precious few drugs are merely recreational - though I would grant you that marijuana is.
Yes, you are quite correct - it becomes very tricky when you deal with burdens upon society and try to have a free and unregulated society at the same time.
I am not in favor of restraining, regulating and taxing commerce; if I were though, I would say that every quarter pounder and Big Mac should come with a warning label like you see on a package of cigarettes - lol.
We as a society should do a better job of educating ourselves and our children of the importance of proper nutrition as well as the health implications of a bad diet. When we do, you will see the marketplace having an impact on fast food restaurants and junk food - just as you know see McDonalds and others adding healthier menu items and our public schools removing junk food and adding healthier menus.
I gotta tell ya, BNG, life ain't easy for a guy who wants to be a do-gooder but also wants maximum individual liberties and the government staying the heck out of our lives.
Hey there Tomi -
I hate to bust your bubble, but I remember when McDonald's hamburgers were 15 cents each and the marquee sign out front only said they had sold a couple of million. That was long before they came to Texas - I had my McDonald burger in Wyoming and remember wondering who the heck would put ketchup on a hamburger. Or leave off the lettuce and tomatoes.
Speaking from a personal standpoint, I am so far from perfect that I can't even see it at times. But one does always strive to become less imperfect . . .
I AM 57 years old after all. Though I prefer to look at it as thirty twenty seven.
Thanks, but I am not too sure about how well I am aging. It seems like only yesterday when this photo was taken: