Happy New Year to you from Ontario, Canada! I take my supplements in the morning, 4 hours away from
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , then again with my supper, and take
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement before I go to bed. It's not just the supplements...if you are having anything with a very high natural Vitamin C level, ie. spicy tomato dish, you need to consider that, too. Right now I only take the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement when there is something "going around". Had a close call with a bad flu bug a few days ago, but I took 10 drops one day, then 12 the next, and managed to avoid getting sick, beyond a small canker sore.
As far as Herxing, I did not have any real reactions on my way up to 15 drops. I had done 2x a year detox cleanses, and have no major health "issues". I did react though when I had a touch of flu and took 10-15 drops (can't remember, it was a year ago). I had severe abdominal cramping and was very tired for a few hours, but then it all passed, flu and all. There has been a lot of discussion about taking some apple slices or Vitamin C to stop the MMS reaction from continuing, and possibly stopping some of the herxing. I think some people have had reactions from taking the MMS in too high a concentration, ie. not enough water.
citric acid is the strongest activator, from what I have read, and is what we use, but I always make sure to drink a full glass of water right after the MMS. Everyone needs to listen to their own bodies.
Tom (aka SilverFox) made a very good comment that MMS can be very useful with existing conditions, but if you are in good health, and have achieved the 2x a day of 15 drop protocol for a week or two with no obvious discomfort, you are probably in good shape and don't need to take it regularly. It's good to have in case something does come around.
Good luck!