Gosh, Angel,
I'd be tempted to try a good dab of castor oil...repeatedly, throughout the day. Maybe put a little in a small creamer pitcher, or a small-necked bottle, so you can pour a drop onto a finger or palm or Kleenex or swab, without allowing contamination to travel back into the source.
Or, you could try olive oil, or coconut oil...anything you have handy that would coat the surface of tender skin, and prevent irritants from getting to sensitive nerves.
Vitamin E oil might be good. When my husband dived and scraped his nose on the bottom of the pool, a lady pricked a little vitamin E 'football' and squeezed a drop onto the wound. He continued the treatment for a couple of days and has no scar.
(Know that many swimming pool bottoms rise too sharply, too close to the diving board to be safe. Many a person has been paralysed, or killed, by diving into an improperly measured pool. Just a word to the wise.)
I would avoid man-made or solvent things like petroleum jelly. Perhaps some kind of ointment like that's made for diaper rash would do. I'd keep olive oil handy when trying anything you're not sure of, to put out any ensuing fires.
(That's what I grabbed when mistakenly putting a bit of olive oil-diluted oregano oil in an armpit. Oo, Ee, Ouch, Hop Hop!)
You may be dealing with a little fissure or two...or with tiny bare 'bites' in sensitive skin...it's so hard to tell from here...and rigging a mirror and light is nearly impossible.
Plain water sitz baths might be helpful, as might be plain lukewarm water enemas...just to wash away toxins and irritants.
Get that end of you into a 1% solution of Himalayan crystal mineral salts...that's as 'salty'-tasting as tears. (1 kg, or 2.2 pounds of the mineral salts to the average bathtub of water. But start them melting in a bucket well before the bath...they take a while to melt.)
Besides being very close to the amniotic fluid we were bathed in before birth, they are sterile...which, to me, means they sterilize the bathwater. You can't 'catch', or 'give', anything through them.
Irritated, all tissues, benefit from the balancing of mineral contents of the body, in and out, through the skin...which is the main detoxing organ we have. The skin detoxes more than the other three (bowels, kidneys, and lungs), combined! This happens even in a footbath, or a hand bath. Plus, this bathing makes us feel wonderful! ...Calm, soothed, smooth as a baby's bottom...and it reduces edema.
This is our gift from ancient ocean plants...250,000,000 years ago.
The word 'salts' sounds scary to put on wounded skin...but it doesn't hurt.
I'll scrub your kitchen floor, on my hands and knees, for one year, if it does!
Also, mineral salts, in 1% solution, alkalize, I am told. Very soothing...like an ocean swim. You add the palm trees, and hula dancers.
You might want to add a few lavender seeds, or a drop of the finest lavender oil, to even a plain bath, because lavender oil, properly made, can be poured directly into a fresh cut, and stops the hurt immediately.
I did this, one drop into a cut on the end of an index finger...a cut that went nearly to the bone. Immediately, I forgot about it...no bandage. Three days later I could see no sign of any damage.
There isn't enough lavender in the world.
Use only the oil from non-hybridized plants. I recommend Young Living Essential Oils.
My mineral salts come from...
I am really sorry this is happening to you, Angel. But, we can be sure there is only so much of the stuff to be processed.
There will be an end to it.
Sleuth where it is coming from, if you wish, and cut it off at the pass.
Call up your local organic growers association...and ask who is growing on heritage land, without tilling...no plowing. When you find someone, pay them any price they care to extract to eat the same food they do. Maybe introduce them to crystal mineral salts baths.
Learn about and preserve soil micro organisms...they are responsible for all growth on this planet. Most farmers have forgotten that. Too many salesmen, I think.
Whatever water you drink, remember there are many, many people in this world who would pay most anything they have to drink the exact same water you have in your glass. I do the best I can with water, then I remember that these very molecules have been around since the dawn of life on this planet...circulating and refreshing themselves in a process man has yet to fully understand, duplicate, or improve on.
I drink whatever I have, eagerly...on purpose.
I love that you have lost weight.
Just a few days ago I read that the body actually creates fat deposits to contain toxins it doesn't get rid of in other ways.
Become a no-till gardener.
And, most of all, be not afraid. Your own body can do astounding things. You'll see...and you'll be glad.
My best,
P.S. Don't forget your local physiotherapy clinic...those folks are experts in how to manage healing procedures at home.
For example, when I smashed a bundle of muscles in an ankle, they could have told me to keep it UP, and how to get to the bathroom...maybe even the healing power of clays, but I didn't think to ask them until the ordeal was nearly over (six to eight weeks).
A single physio gal told me in two minutes that my left foot was flat, and prescribed lifts for my shoes, and how to use them. We don't know these folks are out there, until we really need them...or after.
Betcha they'd have a valuable suggestion or two for you.
Here is a fine video to see, just in case...
See also Zeezel's most recent post in the Energy Medicine forum. I love what it has done for me.