Hi Kir,
If it makes you more comfortable, tell your husband. It sounds like the two of you have a supportive relationship and that his support is a benefit to you.
What you need right now is support. Whether it comes from far away (your husband), those around you, friends, this forum ... turn to it and access it ...
Also, you might try spending some time alone to ground yourself. Can you get into bed, on your back, hands at your sides, and feel your breath. Do this for a bit, breathe...
Then tell yourself that you accept your body. That you love yourself, and that you are safe. And breathe.
Notice that there is love all around you. Try to access this by stilling yourself and opening your heart to it. (Fear can block us from accessing this love.)
If you feel comfortable, you can put your hands over the areas of your body that are giving you distress (your face, your organs). Hold them there. This can allow you to channel universal love, you can heal yourself through your hands, through touch.
Yes, see a doctor, but realize that doctors are trained at intervention/triage/treatment ... and what is going on with you may be coming from other areas of your being - stressful emotions or feelings of uncertainty or doubt.
Do your best right now to surround yourself with love and support and when the fear comes up, tell it (like you would a frightened child) that you will be okay. Because being okay, being healed, being well, and feeling love is an option.
Good luck and let us know how you do.