I always forgive everyone, it is bred into me from the time I was a baby. But the difference is forgiving and forgetting. Now I forgive the abuse and I was in a very abusive marriage, so I know what I am talking about, but it took years and years of work to forget. So now I forgive people but I don't forget. So what does this mean, this means maybe someone can hurt me but I will forgive but I don't need to be around them. So nicely I can say hello but I will not let them inside my world.
People in an abusive marriage are destroying the mind of the person being abusive. I was made to feel like I was dirt, lower than dirt. I was thrown out of the house naked in the snow, I was dragged for two miles by my hair, I had knives to my throat and guns to my head. So unless you been there and done that, it is hard to understand. By the time I was free, I was really not free as he came to my work and my home and threatened me. I made it, I got rid of him but the rest of my life I stayed away from bad men, men with tempers, men who were abusive to women, men who played the dominance game. So forgive yes, I forgave him but forget no way. I now can stand up and say I deserve better. I am somebody but back then I was a door mat. I get letters all the time which tell me there husband won't allow them to exist to speak, to go out to make friends and even go shopping. It is times like these that I thank God I am single. So now you know that this was a white American who did this to me. My Muslim husband was so religious that he knew there was a God and a judgement day and he treated me with the utmost respect. Someone said one time of curezone that I was from Jordan so I had to be subservient, sorry that was in fairytale books. Here the men worship the women and they are waited on hand and foot and they are valued as an equal partner. Not like most think.
Value, integrity and high morals are bred into people not learned. We as parents must instill in our children these morals so when they grow us they do not abuse their spouse. Children of abused parents grow up to abuse. I can show you case after case where the man abusive was abused by his father. Men who are abusive time and time again to women were abused. Stay away from them as far as you can.
Religion teaches us to forgive and turn the other cheek. I have forgiven everyone in my life but it still hurts, I still bleed and I still quinch when I see that person. In public I am courteous , gracious and joking with that person but inside I want nothing to do with them ever. A person has to have more respect for theirself than they would ever let anyone step on them. Now I am not talking about the occasional argument, but I mean with me you get three chances and then I walk.
Did I ever get over the hurt of my first husband, yes after ten years I could breath again but it was thru many trying situations. Does life get better, yes it does. But you see now I am strong, I am determined and I am survivor. Why can I live in Jordan alone because I learn to fight along time ago.