Thanks DQ. The aloe sounds like a good idea.
My only experience with DMSO was about 30 years ago. My chiropractor suggested I use it for back pain, but cautioned me to first apply olive oil. So, I dutifully purchased the olive oil, then went to the hardware store for DMSO. Yes, hardware store. They didn't have it in health food stores then. While standing in line, a friendly stranger behind me noticed my only purchase was the aforementioned DMSO. He began telling me all about his grandfather who swore by the stuff in dealing with his arthritis. Said he couldn't/wouldn't do without it. Used it every day, he did! I hadn't mentioned why I was buying it...I was actually a little embarrassed. Others in line were making affirmative motions with their heads. Some of them, that is....others rolled their eyes, looked at the ceiling, then at me like I must be some sort of crazy, even though I still hadn't admitted why I was purchasing it. The clerk chimed in, stating a lot of people bought it for that very reason.
Well, with these testimonies in mind, I was feeling pretty confident I'd made the right decision, so rushed home to quickly rid myself of my back pain. So excited was I that I forgot to first apply the olive oil. I thought a heating pad might help, too, so had it heating up while hubby slithered a lot of DMSO on my low back. I crawled in bed with the heating pad, waiting for the miracle to happen.
Then came a warm, then hot, then actual burning sensation. I thought it would soon right itself, and when it left I would be feeling great. I gritted my teeth. If grandpa could take it, so could I. But before that thought was completely formed in my mind I was howling like a coyote, turning bright red, and suddenly smelling like something the dog could have pulled from garbage-gone-bad. Actually, the dog wouldn't even come in the room. My husband peeked his head in to see what all the commotion was. While running toward the shower, I shouted something like "Look at me. I'm beet red!" Now, you must understand, if it's not happening to HIM, he underplays it. He actually said, "Mmmm, it's a little pink."
Well, after the shower, I applied the olive oil, but the damage was done. I never tried it again.
Just last week another stranger and I were having a friendly conversation when she suddenly pulled out what I thought was a roll-on deoderant bottle. She began rubbing it on the back of her neck. I must have looked confused, so she explained it was DMSO and she couldn't live without it. Surely she wasn't doing this in a public place! I waited for the yelping and her skin to turn red, and stepped back a couple of paces, anticipating the odor. Nothing happened. Nothing. Not one peep out of her. I assume they've refined it a bit in 30 years, but would have to really dig deep down to find the courage to try again, especially with the oregano. But I can see where the aloe would probably help.
Ah, well, the vertebrae causing the original pain have fused, leaving me stiff, but painless. Most of the time, anyway. MSM you say?