lol, I agree with you there. V, T, and Glax all have their own forums. We all used to "talk" all the time in io-sup. I miss Glax, and her incredible insight THERE. It ain't gone though, it's just a click away. But I miss the interaction of divergent viewpoints, as it was for a time. Someone that SHOULD have his own forum is Newport, but then we'd never see him in io-sup.
Sigh. I miss the old days.
You want ME and CORA to co-moderate a forum? talk about a potential catfight! :) lol...(psssst, Cora, if you read this, kissy kissy hug hug)
We need DeniseinAz too, she'll really stir it up! (and she'll protect me from Cora, I hope). or maybe Cora will protect me from Denise. Or maybe they'll BOTH protect me from YOU, Miss H!
Too many forums, I can barely keep up with one these days.