I agree with you, there should be no "grey" areas within what distinguishes a blog or a "post" that is in need of support and encouragement or advice.
The issue with Laurays posts were I believe to do with their sheer length, which for most were difficult, complicated, and so involved so as not to enable anyone to reach any sensible or rational conclusion.
There is no favoritism here that I am aware of, and where everyone has an equal footing based on need.
Yes, Lauray has been posting within the same vein & style for well over a year and which seems to illustrate that her posts are a never ending circle, and which has achieved very little if anything for her it seems.
Why has she been singled out?
I know not: except for someone pointing out the sheer length of her posts which are difficult to deal with in one go, as they possess a multitude of ideas and issues.
I personally believe she is using the forum (quite rightly in my opinion) as an expression for her thoughts, and which may very well have a powerful cathartic value in doing so.
As far as the mods' making things and issues very subjective, I also do agree with you as it is nigh on impossible not to be subjective, but attempt to be as impartial and as objective as possible in all cases, irrespective of the post and the poster: and where I would also include yourself in that appraisal.