Dear San2006,
A Water Ionizer, or acid/alkaline machine, does not produce energized water. To say increasing electrons in water is "energizing" the water is a stretch. There is no increased energy field in this water. It also does not re-mineralize water, as it doesn't remove any minerals in the first place. They only use a carbon filter, so other than chlorine and hydrocarbons, nothing is removed. The Fluoride, sulfates,
nitrates , arsenic, dead dirt minerals, salts, phosphates, detergents, etc. are thrown over to either the acid or
Alkaline Water sides. What you are drinking contains all of these body disruptors, only in a more efficiently structured water that carries them deep into the cellular matrix, to store like time bombs waiting for a future eruption. In trade, you get a "good" feeling from the artificial alkalizing of your fluids by the dead dirt calcium from the water and from the added electrons from electrolysis. That is it. All the rest is marketing. Just find where electrolysis is happening in the body.
The Vitalizer Plus, on the other hand, replicates Nature in every way. Water flows down a river or stream, creating vortexes within vortexes (little tornado swirls). These create temperature changes back and forth within the water. Each one degree temperature change either way adds energy, real energy, to the water. The water is restoring itself naturally. Add the far infrared from the earth and the sun, along with magnetics from the granites in the river bed and the earth's magnetic field that is broken each time the flowing water passes over a water fall large or small, and you have oxygenated, energized, structured hydrating water that has purified itself and erased the negative imprints left from substances that have had contact with the water. This is how nature restores water. The Vitalizer Plus replicates each one of these steps, the vortexing (tornado water the kids call it), the far infrared ceramics in the mineral cube, the strong magnetics in the base, and the oxygenation pulled in during the vortexing. To consume this water and see the amazing immediate response by the body, for under $1000 when combined with a top of the line reverse osmosis appliance (or distiller) is a reward in itself. NO GIMMICs, no $ signs on people's forheads, simply outstanding and consistent results.
Watch out for the
Water Ionizer Gimmicks. If you own one, simply drink four
ounces at night for some GI tract support. Otherwise, watch out for the potential challenges several months to a year or two later that may surface. Not worth the expense or the risk, in my experience and observation.