Dr. Beck is correct. There is poison in garlic. It's oxalic acid. What is more interesting is that it is a poison with purpose. Other foods that contain this poison are tea, carrots, beets, chocolate, strawberries, blueberries, walnuts, parsley, black pepper, dark green leafy vegetables, rhubarb, green, red and yellow peppers, collard and mustard greens, chives,etc.,.....Gee aren't these all known as great antioxidants???? Yes !!!!!! Find out why the poison in these foods is essential to good health. Go to http://www.coljoe. com Better yet, email The Colonel at and ask him to mail a book to you that covers all the material you'll ever need to know in order to cure cancer, viral and bacterial infections, and vascular diseases and disorders. He refers to oxalic acid as God's chemotherapy.