no i didn't take a pic. i did put it in a jar of water and left it for everyone to see, but the critter disintegrated sitting there all day. i thought of taking a pic...but im not there yet. it's been very traumatic for me. instead i cleaned the house like a madwoman and told everyone to do the cleanse NOW!
im sure i will be seeing more, as i have in the past, but was always too chicken to pick it out with a stick and actually examine. before i just took a peek, and that was enough, down the loo they went. im glad i brought myself to examine it this time cause you know what!!!!??? i thought i was passing roundworm and hookworm all this time,
Tapeworm tends to be bunched up when coming out with the waste. when it's actually put in water it looks flat and wider, like tape. eewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
ok, what did i do. well im broke so i only did 1800 mg of the coenzime q10. i am also 100lb so i thought the smaller dose just might do it for me. weather it did or not i don't know, i've been doing the
Black-Walnut tincture/wormwood caps and cloves for 2 weeks, then a big dose every saturday for maintenace- this has been going on for the last month and a half.
before that i was off and on the parafree (?).
coffee enemas really work wonders for me too.
im not craving sweets, and im very thirsty today. have had a bad rash and what i think was die off this week. but that's about it, and i feel great! :-)
be patient everyone, it takes time!
PS!!! this is gross, but for me, the worms tend to be intertwined in old gunk. so they can be easily passed as some sort of mucous or stringy plaque...only upon further examination i found them to be WORMS!!!