Motherwort is also very effective for controlling hot flashes. Sage leaf also works.
Vitex is helpful for balancing hormones, but it takes several months to kick in. Wild yam is also useful since it has a weak progesterone-like effect, and it supports the adrenals, which are the primary source of hormones after menopause.
Progesterone creams are a really bad idea, and should never be used for more than a few months, and only in really severe cases of hormone imbalances. Progesterone creams build up in the fat tissues. This is why they are applied to the fatty areas of the body. As it absorbs through the skin the progesterone goes in to the body fat where it is stored and slowly released rather than surging in the body if applied to non-fatty areas. Because of this fact most women that have been on progesterone creams for a while usually have several years worth of progesterone built up in their fat tissues. This is also why saliva testing for progesterone is worthless. It only shows what has been released from the fat, not what is stored there. The build up of progesterone also presents another problem, known as progesterone dominance. Progesterone dominance can mimic many of the symptoms of estrogen dominance, which often leads to the woman mistakenly using even more progesterone thinking that they are treating estrogen dominance. Some of the symptoms of progesterone dominance includes lack of libido, depression, mood swings, easily irritated, mental fogginess, etc. The biggest concern is the increased risk of cancer, which can occur for several reasons. Progesterone is the precursor for estrogen, which means it can raise estrogen levels. This can be a problem for hormonally sensitive cancers. The other risk factor is from the fact that progesterone activates the human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV has been linked to cervical, breast, prostate, nasopharyngeal, and skin cancers.