Actually, candida is only half the problem. Sure, the BV is being caused by an imbalance of flora, which can also be from candida, but the candida and/or imbalance in flora is happening most likely because of a parasitic infection. All disease, illness, imbalances, etc., begin in the gut. And where there is candida, there is sure to be parasites. Take it from someone who has done very candida diet in the world and taken every candida supplement on the market. I was on the diet for a year, along with supplement and the candida never went away, nor did the BV. I am now going to be doing Humaworm. I will be very strigent on it as I know this is the core issue for all my illness (I have systemic candida, epstein Barr, BV, parasites, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, infertility, etc.) Get rid of the
parasites and either the candida will clear itself, or it will at the very least be much easier to cure.
Like you, I don't believe in staying one thing for the rest of your life. And I have no desire to stay on a candida diet forever. Who never wants to have bread again or a desert every now and then or milk on their cereal? Of course all things in moderation, as after you are well, you don't want to get sick again. I plan on starting Humaworm in about two weeks and I look forward to the day when the odor will be gone, the pain will be gone and sex will be pleasant again. Good luck to you.