I would like to start my 1st liver cleanse tomorrow, but had some questions?
I have been on the Arise & Shine program for about 3 months now (on and off), and an anti-
parasite formula.
I have been getting out some plaque and a LOT of parasites. Has anyone gotten out red fleshy looking things that are the size of your pinkie nail? It is salmon colored and they were imbedded in some of the plauque. Also, tonight I got out these yellow round things that floated to the top. They were pea sized. About 2 months ago, I got hundereds out at one time! What are these? I have read that stones float to the top??
Do you all think it's too soon to do a liver flush, since I'm still getting a lot of other junk out?
I feel like I really want/need to go on this flush as I feel a lot of tightness below the right rib. Sometimes I get a sharp pain too.
And for my last question. If one has a lot of digestive problems, can it affect the esophagas too? I also have sinus infections and right now I feel like my throat is closing up on me sometimes. Is there a link between any of this?