I would like to ask a couple questions about the eggplant for High blood pressure. I was told you can take a medium eggplant and cut it into small cubes and place in a one gallon glass jar along with Spring water. They said it had to be spring water. let it set for 4 days then take out 1 ounce per day. I have done that and i stopped using my Benecar. It has been over 2 weeks and my blood pressure is around 150/88 but varies as much as 10 points. I have been dealing with Benecar for years. My wife was starting to show a high blood pressure reading and she took the eggplant. In 3 days her pressure normalized.
Has anyone had a similar experience ? I have recently started to take 2
oz in the morning and 2 at night but the results are marginal.
One of the other readers seemed to be saying you can juice an eggplant and get immediate results. I would like more information.
Does anyone know how long you can keep the eggplant water before it spoils?
Does it lose its potency at any time?
Are their any side effects? Benecar and others have definite sexual side effects, does the eggplant water have any side effects?
I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks