hi linenup....thanks, i'm okay, inspite of they ever leave?
so question now is, if
parasites eat the bacteria, can one take enough to get ahead on it, or are they constantly destroyed? i wonder how far this will get me, but i'll try. i've got 3 gallons of em!
how are you doing?
I am doing ok, much improvement but still sick :( I am back to work full-time (from 2 hours a day )
Probably depends on the species... I know that some probiotics can overcome bacterial situations ... beneficial e-coli (non -pathogenic) is a major player in the gut and produces several chemicals that actually destroy mutant bacteria. I did a bowel ecology test and they stated I had no beneficial e-coli, in conversation with "specialists" (lol) they could not give me an answer except that those with no beneficial e-coli "were among the sickest" - I tried to reestablish thru the use of very good probiotics with no such luck
It is my opinion that the cause of my problems is protozoa and based on the heartiness of the infection, I have to surmise that it is either b. hominis, d. fragilis or other uncommon protozoa. protozoa like giardia and cryptosporidia tend to populate quickly and cause more acute type symptomology, causing diarehha (sp) naseau (sp)
It is my thinking that the beneficial e-coli cannot establish because of the protozoa infection either because they are eating up the probiotics, or because of the immune factors that are being evoked.
Have you had any testing done (bowel ecology)?