Well I did it:) Woohoo!!! I made it through the second flush last night without throwing up and without my blood
Sugar dropping.
First of all I had a day of no food. Since I was so uncomfortable and my liver felt like it was contracting all day I was afraid to eat. I was famished! I had forgotten what it felt like to fast. I had taken magnesium citrate during the day in an attempt to wash through whatever was making me uncomfortable without success.
Following the Dr. Clark time schedule I took two doses of magnesium citrate. 10oz total. After the first dose I passed the most indescribably horrible smelling pumpkin orange bile mixed with a lot of mucus. I can't imagine how bad dark green bile must smell as this was the worst smelling stuff I ever smelled. I guess that was the bile my liver was pushing out all day. Same thing happened with the second dose.
Again right on schedule I took the grapefruit\oil mixture. Only since I knew I was going to be sipping coke I took an extra 1\4 cup of oil in order to keep the acid balance approximately the same.
Laid down, set the timer for 1\2 hour and tried to sleep. I wound up taking three sips at 1\2 hour intervals and two at 45 minute intervals. I fell asleep for about a half hour of that whole time and finally gave up when I started itching everywhere, especially in my ears. (I had skipped zapping that day) During this time I made a couple of bathroom runs, expelling more foul bile only it had turned to a distinct sulfur smell and had no more mucus.
Finally I felt the by now familiar feeling of heating up and contracting start. Thought I might throw up but managed to keep it all down. Didn't heat up nearly as much as I usually do which I was grateful for. I find fanning myself with a paperback to cool my face makes me feel less nauseous during this time. I actually felt the stones move through me like Dr. Clark says you might this time. The whole time elapsed was from taking the oil to this point was about 2 - 21\2 hours. Exactly as she says it will happen. This is the fastest it's ever happened for me. Usually it's between 4 - 6 hours.
Shortly after this I couple more runs to the bathroom and passed first more of that sulfur stuff then a bunch of stuff that looked (except for the green pea like stones) and smelled like an infants diaper when they have been fed nothing but mothers milk. With one addition. It also smelled a bit like yeast. Each stool I passed the color of the bile lightened till it was more like lemon yellow than orange.
I'm worried about the yeast smell. Is it from my liver or my bowels? Surely yeast doesn't live in the liver.... I am zapping but I bought some probiotics last week. I'm just not sure how to use them or if it's pointless while I zap.
Anyway, end results today. I woke up this morning with no back ache and the uncomfortable feeling in my right side was gone. I had a lot of sinus drainage during the night as though my body is cleaning house. I'm a little tired but other than that I feel pretty good. I have passed lots of the baby doo mixed with a ton of pea size or smaller stones. Coloring was more like old scrambled eggs by now and not too smelly. I passed one hard object which was tear dark cream dropped shaped and had a dark brown center. I'm not sure if this was a petrified fluke, or some other weird stone thing. It was only about 1\4
inch long.
All in all I would say this was a highly successful flush. My
Sugar didn't drop, I got lots of nasty foul stuff out of me, the really uncomfortable lump feeling is gone and I passed probably about 1\4 cup or more of stones.
I'll take anyone's guess as to what that sulfur stuff might have been. I was thinking maybe sulfur
Antibiotics but I haven't had them in years. I don't eat eggs often either. Any guesses? I had sulfur gas all during the last two weeks immediately following my 3rd flush and the beginning use of the zapper. Could it be connected to them? Till this flush produced the sulfur smelling bile I thought it was something I was eating. Now I'm not sure.
I'd also welcome advice on what to do about the yeast problem. Is this a symptom of candida?
Take care,