Hi DeeSeeker,
They say that die-off is when the bad bacteria is dying off with the antibiotics, and that this process produces odor.
Basically, I believe that's why the National Institute of Health recommends that you clean out your gut with lactulose (a laxative) right before taking antibiotics and then replacing the died-off bacteria with probiotics, as I noted in my post, http://mpdela.blogspot.com/2008/09/odor-reducing-management-protocol.html.
It's basically getting rid of the old and replacing it with the new, regarding the microflora in your gut. I also did a post on questions and answers regarding this process. http://mpdela.blogspot.com/2008/09/odor-reducing-management-protocol_20.html
I know a number of people who benefited tremendously from this cleansing die-off process, and i know someone who's been doing it since last Thursday. Today, she went to work and no one complained of odor, when on Thursday they were down-right mean and rude during the die-off process. So, it works if you stick with it. You do need to take 2 to 3 times more probiotics for a few days during this die off process, and then taper down to one probiotic a day forever.
After all this process is complete, you need to stick to an appropriate diet to your condition, or the odor will return. You can email me if you like at mpdela1@gmail.com while you do this die-off process if you need some support.
Hi again DeeSeeker,
Thee is a very good article by a retired gastroenterologist, Dr. Frank Jackson, who shares his views on prebiotics and the gut microflora. He devised his own prebiotic since he finds the concept important. He says, "...The beneficial bacteria, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacter, do not make colon gases. However, other gas-forming bacteria will metabolize prebiotics as well. So, early on there may be some excessive colon gas and flatus. The way to handle this is to start at a smaller amount of the foods or supplements. Then increase the amount every few days until a satisfactory outcome is reached... "http://www.jacksongi.com/DIETS/Colon-Gas-Flatus-Prevention/colon_gas.aspx
You might want to read some of the articles I've posted on probiotics/prebiotics and dysbiosis, http://mpdela.blogspot.com/search/label/probiotics%2Fprebiotics and a really good and easy-to-understand explanation of probiotics is in the video, http://www.jacksongi.com/DIETS/Colon-Gas-Flatus-Prevention/colon_gas.aspx