My husband went to the health food store for me to get the Ornithine that is in the Hulda Clark flush. What he brought home was something called L-Ornithine. Is that the same thing? I had a horrible abdomen ache upon awakening today. Right under the Liver. Is this a side effect of using the L-Ornithine? If not then I've either got a bug or need to do another flush. ::sigh:: I'm not up to messing with another flush so soon.
Yes, it's the same stuff. It should not cause your pain, though. All the ornithine is for is to absorb toxins released into your body and to help you sleep.
Let us know about your pain. I hope it goes away soon!
I tried the ornithine again last night and as soon as I used it I had a bowel discomfort. Have horrible gas today but no stomach ache. Not sure what all this means. Maybe I have a build up of toxins or maybe I don't need as much of it. I'm taking 4 of them because she says to if you have sleep problems. I was sleeping very well when I first did the parasite cleanse but I'm back to being up most of the night. As far as I can tell it does nothing for my sleeping ability. Thanks for the response.