Thankyou for interest,
I started my healing process, by starting the way of eating from a book by Dr. Peter D'Adamo called "Eat Right For Your Type". When I visited his message forum, I was steered to the
"Cure zone" web-site, and also Julia Chang's web-site. "sensiblehealth" , And Dr
Hulda Clark 's website.
I ordered her book "
The Cure For All Diseases ", and dicided to do her
parasite cleanse.I did it for about twenty
weeks. and in the mean time I ordered the herbal tinctures
"gold coin grass,chinese bitters,coptis,and curcuma, and used them until they ran out.
Never did find any
parasites in my stool, so concluded that I did not have any. I guess us people who live in Cadada don't have as many, because of the cold.
After all that I did my first liver flush, and got lots of stones, from the size of grains of rice to the size of small graped, and lots of chaff. I had good bowel movements for a couple of days, then bunged up again, this happened after every flush, so I thought that I must have a lot of them.
I do
Hulda Clark e's formula, except I mix grape-fruit juice with the
Epsom Salts too.Also use a full cup of olive oil. I have no problem drinking them, and do not get nauseous from the olive oil.
Because I got so many large stones out on this 10th flush
I hope that I'm close to having them all out.
I generaly wait 2 weeks between flushes, but one time because I was traveling I waited 4 weeks, and one time only one week. when I had no relief from constipation.
I never eat any-thing the day of the flush, as I want the
Epsom Salts to clean me right out. The
Epsom Salts gives me diarrhea, some-times at 11: pm, and other time in the middle of the night, and at other times it waits till morning. I hope the story wasn't too long.
Big cheese