Apples and oranges. Humble came up with the name Miracle Mineral Supplement. He also made pretty wild claims about it, and that's what we are debating. Not sodium chlorite, not chlorine dioxide, but Humble's product, protocol and wild claims. Sodium chlorite is a powerful anti microbial, and has many uses, ingesting it isn't one of them. Humble claims to have invented activating sodium chlorite with an acid, and he's wrong, he didn't invent it at all. He claimed that it would cure malaria, AIDS, etc, in a matter of hours. Didn't happen. In fact, most people are still taking it months later, and they aren't cured. Why is that? Because Humble didn't tell the truth, he made people believe that it truly was a miracle, and it just isn't. He also gets a dollar a bottle, and the last numbers that I saw, they were selling 10,000 a month. So if Humble is getting $10,000 a month, just because, and he also gets money for his book, my guess is that he's laughing all the way to the bank. And you guys are swallowing the stuff and hoping, having no idea what it's doing to your bodies. Jonas Salk didn't sell a lie, he was an educated man who knew what he was doing. You can't compare Humble to him at all. All Humble did was read the internet, and make up a story.