I kept taking anything else I was on. What I noticed with the ozonated oil...was stinky gas. You got the lightly ozonated oil? The fully ozonated oil some people have gotten by mistake, made them more than mildly sick.
The ozonated oil isn't all that pleasant to take. It's not just the ozonated taste/smell, after it's been in the refrigerator for about a week, it gets lumpy too. It went down easier if I followed right up with a drink of water.
What did I notice for die off? I've done it several different rounds. Because of still having alot of
parasites when I did the first couple of rounds (several months apart), I couldn't consider it "clean-up", it actually killed large parasites. The first round was when I was killing 2 tapeworms, 3 weeks apart. Also taking herbals at the same time. Die off from killing
Tapeworms was an abdomen that felt as hard as a rock, bloated, and feeling the darned things flopping around in there, and clamping down harder where they were attached at. And a coma like tiredness where I could hardly lift my head off the pillow.
Two different times, the first night of starting everything, I had night sweats that soaked my nightgown, and I had to get up and change it. The following morning was when I saw the floating egg sacs with the reddish/brown little worms in them, not a few of them. Several days later I got the body of the ascaris.
In the Clark info on the clean-up, she says to take Vitamin E several hours apart from the ozonated oil. I'm thinking someplace else, that I read to take the L-Cysteine several hours apart from the ozonated oil too, but it wasn't in the information here on CZ (at the top of the page, click on Clark, and then on Ascaris/Tapeworm for the cleanup info). Maybe I just thought I read that, I'll try to find it again.
One other thing, when I would feel the
parasites moving at night, taking another dose of the ozonated oil made them stop.