I'm about 12 days on UT, and I continued drinking about 1/2 cup of morning urine through my period, which is now winding down (tricky catching it, but I didn't want to stop, since my near daily, constant headaches have abated ever since the first day of starting the UT!).
I have managed to avoid getting sick all winter, but yesterday & today am noticing a sore throat, fatigue, & a swollen gland in my neck under my jaw that enlarges whenever I get run down, ever since I had mono as a teenager. I'm wondering if this is coincidental, or if it's a healing crisis where the UT is clearing out a deep, old viral thing. Wasn't sure if I should back off a little or step it up. Or maybe switch to the homeopathic way of taking it.
Incidentally, I posted the question awhile back, but no replies, about whether taking it in diluted drops could or should be combined with drinking the straight morning urine, and which method was more effective, or if it was just a matter of preference.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated! My 2 books on the topic are on order from Amazon, and I've already told a couple of friends about what I'm doing, just couldn't keep it to myself. They already think I'm a little nuts with my off-the-beaten-path methods, so nobody seemed overly shocked. :)