Your English is better than that of 99.9% of native-speakers who post on chat forums, if not more - I was just being unnecessarily idiomatic, and lazy! I meant "urine fasting" when I wrote "uf-ing"!
Today is official Day One. Was almost side-tracked all night by having received diagnostic test results and thinking that perhaps green juice fasting, or even not fasting but just eating raw vegan alkalarian anti-mycotoxic (see the theories of Young and Cousens and, would be what to do. I still am unsure - what do you guys think? My test came back with pretty high toxicity, over-the-top adrenal exhaustion, over-the-top kidney exhaustion, and very poor cell respiration. It's the last that makes me wonder about urine-fasting right now, because that means my cells need OXYGENATING and I associate that wih needing lots of mineral-rich green juice, cereal grass juice, chlorophyll! And maybe a special cell-friendly exercise like rebounding. I don't have a firm "gut" sense, or an educated impression, that urine fasting/therapy or Master Cleansing would quickly (or permanently!) address/alleviate some of these particular issues, but for now I'm on Day One and if anyone wants to offer is/her two cents abut it, please go right ahead...I will report more on Day One later, but I just got up! Feeling my usual feeling of just-got-up anxiety, dread and fear, inability to cope, which is no doubt componded when you wake up and it's Day 1 on an extended urine-and-water fast.
Thank you very much for your input, everyone - and interest. It's nice to be doing a service, not just "fasting n a vacuum"!