Yes, I am abductee. My story is long, and I am not sure anyone will care or have suggestions. My first absulute truth began a little over eight years ago. Before that time I was surely abducted several times. From childhood through the early 20's I would just show up with redish rash marks on the back of my neck. Then out of the blue I got mononeucules. Later 20's and 30's the doctors diagnosed Chronic Fatigue Syndrom. Then around my 40's something really servere happened. I found myself mentally floting around the house being led through the doorways to the exit. Several time I awoke during the process. This begain my real nightmare. I increasely became very ill. So ill I could not function. The muscle pain and illness just would not stop. The illness was something close to motion sickness. I now call it frequency illness. Doctor's put me on heavy medication and some might believe what happened next is from that condition. But it not. One day in January 2000 I was laying there and I had an incredable vision. I will not speak of this at this time, but it was positive in which I saw spritual figures. About 24 hours later I found myself in two worlds and discovered that part of my consciousness was trapped in another reality. My mind was at two places at once and today I know that this included my dream and sleep consciousness. OK here is the clencher. There are beings both clone, android, and their handlers that are draining life energy systematically. It is silverish looking and is placed in round vats for storage. My body is like a two way radio. It receives and I hear the lower finly tuned signal as well as hear the pumping signal of the outgoing. The first two or three years I was close to death. I had run out of money and medical insurance. The third year I was beginning to work a little substituting. By night I was so ill at sunset each day I went to bed and stayed there. After the fifth year my health got a little better but when not working I still was confined to bed. This whole thing is so evil and ugly and also unbelievable that most will not be able to put their head around it. The pain and illness is not anything that a human should survive. Why me, I don't know but I know that I haven't been abducted again and for some reason I think I am under some kind of portection. I also am not able to commit sucide for some unknown reason. Yes I have approached many sources for help. UFO persons who deal with abduction. All if which will not give any help with physcial proof. E-Rays haven't shown anything. The implants are there. Maybe there disguised or orgainc. I have e-mail world renound persons who deal with this and few even contact me back. When someone is telling you that their mind is two places at once scares then I guess. I getting tired so I will complete this. But during the first two years, before they put me in what I call the tube, I was able to see what evil practices they are doing to humans. It really is an unbelievable story. Those few people who I have shared this with are believing and loving support. I just tell them that world is not ready to have this open to the public. I am reaching out because my emotions need expressing and maybe there is another who will understand what I am saying and then at least know what has happened to them.