Yes, it is an ongoing process, and yes, I- and others I know, have experienced this. I have to agree with the Alt Med Dr that has been working with me for killing the parasites- he told me from the very beginning, that one of the worst mistakes people make when getting into killing parasites- is stopping when they "think they aren't seeing something", and at a bare minimum, to go a full 3 months on the herbs.
Time and again, people I know have thought they just had flukes- the flukes are the first thing most people will see if they have them. But, there are flukes in different stages, and different types of flukes- not just one. If you have been killing flukes,
Liver Flushing will not only help clear out the dead ones, but it will also help clear out eggs, and younger flukes. You'll hear people talk about the "rolled up red, tomato skins", they also appear as rolled up but olive colored. I also got alot of little "chunks" that looked like diced vegetables or fruit, all colors- reddish, pinkish, tan. I have known exactly what I have eaten..and I had not eaten anything that looked like any of these things.
Several months after killing loads of flukes, and doing
Liver Flushes and
coffee enemas to aid in clearing them out...THEN the ascaris, roundworms like you are talking about, showed up. Many of them were without the skin, they appeared looking dark brown, looking like twisted strands of rope- and no, they were not psyllium as people may think- I wasn't taking psyllium--and the skin was floating seperately. Thick, long roundworms, and long, thin, spaghetti noodle looking roundworms.
In fact...I haven't seen any signs of roundworms for 2 weeks now--I zap daily at 7 minutes each frequency, 20 minutes rest in between 3x- (2500 hz and 30,000 hz) with the Parazapper Cca, with the foot pads- and yes, I have successfully killed roundworms with zapping. I am also still taking several different herbal dewormers the Dr muscle tested me for as being effective at this time for what I am killing (and yes, it does change, and the quantity needed does change each time I go to him--different herbal mixtures do kill different parasites) Just this morning, after not seeing anything in the way of roundworms for 2 weeks, there was another 10 inch, spaghetti noodle sized roundworm. I believe they are the Toxicara- and yes, I have had indoor cats previously (never again!) and my ex-husband used to raise alot of cow dog puppies that he sold.
Ascaris seem to be the hardest to get cleaned up for people too, as many here will testify to.
The problem with getting the herbs seperately, is getting good quality, fresh herbs..and not knowing where they came from. There are plenty of good quality herbals available now..but you most likely are not going to find them sitting on your health food store shelf. Many of the deworming herbal products, we would never know were for the purpose of deworming because of the FDA. Many of the ones that the ND type Dr's know about, they have the directions for use in their office manuals, the instructions will not be on the bottles, and there is no reference on the bottle that they are for killing parasites- they will say "for detoxification purposes" or something on that order.
People I know, have successfully killed
Ascaris and
Tapeworms by using Zymex2 from Standard Process--if you look at the ingredients, they are digestive enzymes--and there is no reference that it is for the purpose of killing parasites. But if you go to Dr. Sutter's forum here on CZ and ask if Zymex2 has worked for anyone, you will find that it has successfully killed
Tapeworms and ascaris. How would Dr Sutter have ever known that? He is a chiropractor with the informaton on Standard Process products in his office.
If you are killing
Ascaris with zapping alone and are not taking herbals right now, I would definetly get on some good quality herbal dewormers too--and make sure good quality, non-irradiated cloves are included. The Premiere Research Lab's cloves the Dr has me taking say that right on the bottle.
Yes, it is an ongoing process..not one that is fun to discover, but what many have found out as well. Most people will have many more varieties of
parasites than they think--and that's just the ones you see with your bare eye. Include different herbals that are also known to kill parasites, or get the dewormers that have more herbals in them than just the 3 most common ones.
Another thing..I also discovered that the Dr was right too...the
parasites "cycle", and may not show up for a while, and then will appear again.
And it's not an old wives tale- the
parasites are more active just prior to, through, and for a few days after a Full moon, and a New Moon- and gearing up to hit them harder with more herbals, or eating cloves of raw garlic, or taking a TB of castor oil at night, or adding something more to what you've been doing (such as organic Neemseed oil in capsules) will kill things that come out of hiding and have their minds on other things (mating). I will never look at a calendar the same again- I am always aware when the New moon, and Full Moon are scheduled, and it has worked month after month.