Currently I use a cotton mask by I can breath.
I also wear a set of safety goggles to keep pollen out of my eyes.
I also put cotton balls in my ears to keep eustation tubes from swelling up.
after I come, in I irrigate my nose with naso pure
It helps, but I still get post nasal drip at night and sometimes swelled sinuses. And sometimes my nose bleeds. Ain't MCS fun? NOT!
It is definitely caused by something outside, because if I don't go out that day, I don't have the problems.
The question is:
Is there a mask I can wear that would keep all pollen out and yet not cause allergies of its own?
I am allergic to synthetics, including polyester, which most masks are made of. Then the manufacturer has the gall to say the thing is hypo allergenic. How can a common allergen like polyester be hypoallergenic??
I was considering a mask with those heavy duty filters. You know, the round things on each side of your nose. But I read that they only last 3 hours and cost like $15 bucks a piece.
I garden daily, so who can afford to buy a filter for each day?
If you use something that keeps all pollen out, please post.